Historical Timeline
Council Includes 24 Delegates
The Navajo Nation Council is reformed to include 24 Delagates, down from 88 Delagates.
Navajo Nation Title I
Fundamental Laws of the Dine recognized in the Navajo Nation Code Title 1
Judicial Reform Act Abolished
Judicial Reform Act abolished the Navajo Court of Appeals and Supreme Judicial Council and created the Navajo Nation Supreme Court.
Navajo Peacemaker Court Created
Navajo Peacemaker Court created by Navajo judges at Judicial Conference.
Council Reformed
The Council was reformed and became known as the Navajo Nation Council.
Supreme Judicial Council
Supreme Judicial Council composed of Council Delegates and Judges to hear appeals from the Navajo Courts of Appeals.
Navajo Tribal Courts Created
Navajo Tribal Courts created and assumed responsibility for criminal and civil matters within Navajo Nation territorial jurisdiction.
Elections Held
Elections were held for the first representatives to the council.
Federal Indian Reorganization Act
Federal Indian Reorganization Act became law.
Navajo Nation Established
The first Navajo Nation Council was established with representatives from five regional agencies.
Courts of Indian Offenses Established
Navajo Courts of Indian Offenses established.
Courts of Indian Offense Created
Navajo Courts of Indian Offenses created.
Internment at Hweeldi
Navajos divided into 12 villages, each with a chief who handled less serious offenses. The 12 chiefs would serve as jury for more serious crimes and Fort Sumner commander would serve as judge for those crimes.
Pre-European Contact
Navajos governed themselves and resolved disputes by talking things out. Judges were Hozhoji Naat’aah or peace chiefs chosen by community con-sensus.